Pliable makes it easy to clean data coming in from your sources. You can set up cleaning rules in two places:
In the Data Cleaning Wizard
On the Node Configuration screen, under "Configure Columns"
Column data types in Pliable are important - they ensure that your data is in the correct format, and allow it to be used properly downstream to calculate metrics.
When you assign a data type to a column, Pliable will attempt to convert all data in that column to the designated data type. Data that is not able to be converted to that data type will come through as NULL
Hint: you may want to pair a data type (for example, INTEGER or DECIMAL) with a transformer (like "Remove Non-Numeric Characters")
Type | Description |
TEXT | Any arbitrary text |
INTEGER | A whole number, with no decimals |
DECIMAL | A number with decimals |
DATE | A date, with no time component (e.g. 2024-01-01) |
DATETIME | A date, WITH a time component (e.g. 2024-01-01T07:37:05Z) |
Pliable has a plethora of basic transformations built-in for common cleaning use cases. When dealing with free text data, such as phone numbers or zip codes, uniformity is often an issue. Data can come in various formats, making it difficult to analyze and visualize. Pliable provides a solution to this through its standardizing functions to ensure that these types of data are consistent and uniform, making them easier to work with.
Transform | Function |
Clean Phone Numbers | Normalizes phone numbers to use (XXX) XXX-XXXX format. (North American phone numbers only) |
Clean Zipcodes | Strips any "Zip +4" codes so that each zipcode is exactly 5 digits. Also adds leading zeroes in the event there are less than 5 digits in the zipcode (common issue with Excel) |
Convert to Lowercase | Converts all alphabetical characters to lowercase (Kobe Bryant #24 -> kobe bryant #24 ) |
Convert to Uppercase | Converts all alphabetical characters to uppercase (Kobe Bryant #24 -> KOBE BRYANT #24 ) |
Remove Non-Numeric Characters | Removes extra characters for columns that you want to be numeric (Decimal or Integer). ($123,456.78 -> 123456.78 |
Remove Special Characters | Removes non-alphanumeric characters. (Kobe Bryant #24 -> Kobe Bryant 24 ) |
Convert to "Slug" | Converts text to a URL-safe slug (Kobe Bryant #24 -> kobe-bryant-24 ) |
Get URL Path | |
Get URL Domain |